CIware 2.0 Reporting and Communication

Account administrators have virtually unlimited reporting options in CIware 2.0! Our staff at Commercial Investigations see that some of the most popular reports are the Invoice Report, Turnaround Time Reports and Department Allocation Reports.

CIware 2.0 allows for improved interactions with CI staff regarding your background investigations. Whether it be a group of backgrounds or an individual background investigation, users can communicate directly within CIware 2.0.
As always, you can use email if it is your preferred communication tool, but this option can help you avoid switching to an email application to ask a question or follow up on something. We are confident you will love it as much as we do! We’re always be happy to hear from clients via phone as well.

Email or call us at or 800-284-0906 with a date and time that works for you to get a customized webinar overview of CIware 2.0 and a conversion scheduled date before the sun sets.